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Sarah-Jayne’s Story

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At her 20-week scan, mum to be Sarah-Jayne was diagnosed with stage four placenta previa—meaning her placenta was completely covering her cervix.

Following a massive bleed at home, Sarah-Jayne was rushed by ambulance to Mater and underwent an emergency caesarean section to save the life of her unborn child.

Born at just 30 weeks gestation, Eadie weighed just 1470 grams. She spent 52 days in Mater’s Neonatal Critical Care Unit and underwent several medical interventions to keep her alive, before she was well enough to go home with her parents.

For the parents of babies like Eadie, your support can make all the difference.

“Thanks to generous supporters like you, babies like Eadie who are born and cared for at Mater can receive the best possible start to life,” Sarah-Jayne said.


▪️ More than 10 000 babies are born at Mater each year, but not all of them have an easy start to life.
▪️ More than 2000 seriously ill and premature babies come to Mater’s Neonatal Critical Care Unit (NCCU) each year to receive specialised care.
▪️ This year 79 babies may require overnight care in Mater’s Neonatal Critical Care Unit (NCCU), on any one night.
▪️ 30 babies will receive life-saving surgery at Mater each year before they are born.
▪️ Premature babies can have respiratory, cardiac and neurological difficulties. They can experience delays in mental and physical development and can struggle to control their body temperature. Premature babies can also experience gastrointestinal problems, blood disorders, metabolic disorders and auto-immune diseases.

For babies like Eadie, your support of Mater Prize Home helps Mater researchers work towards improvements in patient care and treatment.

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