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6 benefits of living in the country

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It’s hard to pass up the obvious appeal of picturesque greenery all around and the luxury of space and fresh air to inspire a move to the country. But that’s only the beginning. Our latest Mater Prize Home lottery No. 307 is located in the lush green hills of Montville in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland and offers so many benefits that will have you jumping at the chance to make a green change to the hinterland and countryside. 

Our 3-bedroom Mater Prize Home with two living rooms, abundant outdoor spaces and a 1-bedroom guest studio is enough to make you want to pack up your current abode and move right in. Add to that its stunning location and acreage land, you’ll be all too happy leaving the bustle of city life in the rearview mirror of your new Range Rover Evoque R-Dynamic SE (included in the prize home lottery) and stepping into the laidback pace of country living. With the changing world embracing more work-from-home balance, you won’t even have to compromise on your career.

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From scientific evidence that suggests better health awaits you to the undeniable uplifting benefits for your mental wellbeing, there’s something about country life that just does your mind, body and soul good. Here are just some of the top benefits of living in the country.

Spoilt for space

Enjoy more space inside and out

It’s hard not to feel stifled when you’re constantly cooped up indoors in cramped spaces. Out in the country, you’re spoilt for space. Especially in our prize home: Situated on 5,850m², your large family home has plenty of room for everyone to come together or seek their own section of solitude, along with beautifully designed gardens with avocado trees and a chicken coop, and the whole hinterland right at your back door.

Fun fact: Numerous studies have found that owning chickens can have psychological benefits, including improving self-esteem, decreasing negative responses to stress, and assisting children to create interdependent relationship that help them develop empathy and responsibility.


Nestle yourself in nature

Being outside in the open air is connected with many of the benefits of country living. Research has found that immersing yourself in a natural environment can help you in a wealth of ways, from improving your short term memory to lowering your blood pressure and potentially enhancing your creativity. The close proximity to outdoor activities like hiking, fishing and camping, as well as surrounding yourself with animals and having easy access to farm-fresh produce are all additional perks of being so close to nature 24/7.

Clean country air

Breathe in that clean country air

Peace, quiet and clean air awaits you in the country! Unsurprisingly, being away from all the traffic and pollution that comes from city living is a surefire way to boost your overall health. Trees also contribute to improved air quality and there is certainly plenty of trees to clean the air in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland! It’s not just air pollution but also light pollution and noise pollution that is lower in the country and will contribute to a better lifestyle. Additionally, without all that pollution getting in the way, you’re left with clear night skies lit up by stars and the tranquil sound of birds chirping and the whistling of wind through the trees contributing to a peaceful ‘green’ noise that leaves you feeling more relaxed.


Relish the privacy

There’s something about living in the country that makes you feel worlds away from the daily stresses—and prying neighbours. You can live freely in your home without that feeling like you’re sharing walls with others or disturbing them with your loud music or state-of-the-art home theatre. But don’t worry, you won’t feel completely isolated in the countryside either. You will still have a wonderful community at your fingertips that’s always willing to help a neighbour or indulge in a candid chat when you cross paths around town. 

Outdoor firepit

Say goodbye to stress

It’s more good news for your health and mental wellbeing living in the country: Studies show that those who live in a rural area are less stressed due to the close proximity to nature, reduced noise, cheaper cost of living, cleaner air and more room to breathe. All that reduced stress equals a much calmer mind and body. The slower pace of life can also be a welcome breath of fresh air. On top of all those good vibes, imagine living in your dream home in the most stunning location, all mortgage-free thanks to our Mater Prize Home. Stress, what stress?!


Nourish your body with organic food

Forget getting your groceries from the supermarket; in Montville you’ll probably prefer to go straight to the source! Easy access to farm-grown produce in your own local area—often organic, too—will have you appreciating the farm-to-table mentality of eating, both for your taste buds and your health. And don’t forget the chicken coop that comes with your prize lottery, which will have you enjoying fresh eggs for breakfast every day. You can even go one step further with a vegetable patch already established on the property!

Ready to improve your mental and physical wellbeing with a move to the hinterland? Buy your tickets today to win this Montville Mater Prize Home lottery and reap all the benefits of living in the country. Plus, for every ticket you purchase you’re helping support the life-changing medical research and patient care at Mater.

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