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Go Far; Australia is Yours

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Win a Prado Kakadu and Coromal Caravan

There’s plenty to explore in this great land of ours, and Mater Cars for Cancer has just the ticket you need to see the sights; win a Toyota LandCruiser Prado Kakadu and a 21-foot Coromal Thrill Seeker caravan in Lottery No. 108.

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It’s a big country, Australia. So big, in fact, that just a generation ago we were opening up the Outback using the most rudimentary of machines. Before that, it was camels and horses, and before that, feet.

Although the days of hot, uncomfortable, and dangerous adventuring are behind us, Australia can still bite if you’re not careful. Choosing the right tools is a must, and there are few tools better fit for purpose than the mighty LandCruiser Prado, offered as first prize in Mater Cars for Cancer Lottery No. 108. Naturally, there’s a caravan to tow behind it; no point journeying in comfort and safety, only to perish from exposure when you get there. We’ve so many scenic, exciting, and wondrous places to explore within our shores, but you’ll need a ticket in Lottery No. 108 for the chance to win this holiday-ready prize package.

Cape York

Holidaying is, at its best, a creative art. You have the opportunity to do exactly what you want to do and go exactly where you want to go. With the chance to win a Prado and Coromal caravan in the latest lottery, it’s time to start speculating on destinations. Maybe you fancy the challenge of Cape York so you can see Australia’s northernmost point for yourself. The journey is rough; Cape York is situated 1000km north of Cairns and c-roads are the order of the day, punctuated by more than a few river crossings. The Coromal might be out of its depth on this trip (pun intended), but never mind as there are full cabin facilities nearby.

I’ve no aching desire to see Cape York specifically, because once you’re there, you can’t go any further. I like my journeys to be circuitous, and I rarely enjoy retracing my steps. To that end, I’d certainly check out the Daintree, and en route, I’d stop by the Girringun National Park. Everybody loves a good waterfall, and the Park features the near-300 metre Wallaman Falls, the tallest in Australia and surely a worthwhile spectacle. Buying a ticket in the Mater Cars for Cancer Lottery No. 108 could be your gateway to these destinations, certainly if your lucky number is drawn.

Prado Kakadu

Personally, I prefer exploring the tight and humid trails of a lush and lonesome rainforest to the wide, arid expanse of the desert. Whether they’re great and sandy or red with a huge rock in the centre, the fact remains that we’ve got plenty to explore. If you win a Prado, the entirety of our country will suddenly be within your reach. And despite my preference for the tropical, I’d certainly saddle up the Prado and hook up the Coromal caravan for another peek at Uluru.

Coromal Thrill Seeker Caravan

It’s on my list to show my two nuglets the majesty and aura of the iconic sandstone inselberg. Last time I visited, it was pre-kids, just me and my late wife. Back in the era before speed limits, we used a V8 Holden panelvan to low-fly into Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park via Alice Springs. We camped in the van and had a good time, but it can’t be replicated.


Since then, she has passed from breast cancer, so it’s just me and the two kids. The panelvan doesn’t seat them both and renting a boring tarmac-orientated SUV would be, well, boring. So how about using an off-road savvy Prado to approach Uluru from the Great Central Road? We could head to the gold mining town of Laverton in WA, then use the back way to reach The Rock. Best of all, the 21-foot Coromal caravan sleeps four, is off-road capable and has the equipment to free camp along the way.

Of course, a Prado and a huge caravan aren’t in my budget right now, and if that rings true for you too, it can’t hurt to throw your hat in the ring and purchase a ticket in Lottery 108. Not only would it give you the chance to experience all this with a brand-new camping rig worth a combined $208,380, along with a pile of cashable gold bullion to bring the prize total to $300k value, but you’d be helping people living with cancer. People like my wife, who during her illness, reached out to organisations like Mater Foundation to provide respite and care, without which her journey would have been a lot harder.

Prior to her cancer journey, we travelled a bit, and I discovered something about myself. Deserts, forests, beaches, cliffs, and mountains are all very nice, but I when I think about it, my sightseeing really boils down to one thing; I really like big things.  Big Rocking Horses, Big Bananas, Big Penguins, Big Merinos; you know, big things. The Prado is pretty nifty off road and on, so I reckon it’d knock over a full tour of the big things, no troubles. To get there before I do, grab a ticket in the Mater Cars for Cancer lottery No. 108 for the chance to win a Prado, a Coromal caravan and cashable gold bullion to a total of $300,000, so you can get out and go far.

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