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Research gives Karen hope. Your support makes research possible.

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After missing her breast screening appointment for five years, Karen started experiencing some pain in her breast and thought it was time for an overdue check-up.

Following the check-up, Karen received the haunting diagnosis of stage four, metastatic breast cancer. Because Karen’s cancer had metastasized into her bones and various lymph nodes, the traditional treatment route of surgery and chemotherapy was not an option.

Working closely with Karen, the breast care team at Mater built an individualised treatment care plan that strives to give Karen the best quality of life and keep her cancer at bay.

Mater Breast Care Nurse, Ash Mondolo said:

“Metastatic breast cancer is a disease that affects so many. Funds for research are vital to ensure that people with cancer can continue to have a good quality of life whilst taking their life-saving treatment.

Research allows us to look at individualised treatment options for each patient, because we know that targeted, personalised treatment is effective in stopping disease progression.

Karen is alive now because of the research that has been done before her diagnosis. 20 years ago, it would have been a different story. My hope is that 20 years from now, metastatic breast cancer will be treated like a chronic disease.”

Thank you for your support of Cars for Cancer. Every ticket you buy is fuelling cancer research at Mater, helping to improve treatment options and health outcomes for people like Karen.

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