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Your support has the power to change lives

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Like many young people Gina didn’t think she was at risk of a life-threatening cancer. At just 20 years of age—life was good. Everything that is, apart from a very small but annoying lump on her scalp, that she noticed when she brushed her hair. Little did she realise that life as she knew it was about to change forever. Gina was diagnosed with melanoma.

After two years of aggressive treatment, Gina and her family were confident that her cancer was gone for good. But, in fact, it was just the beginning of an extremely difficult journey with metastatic melanoma. The once external melanoma had managed to find its way to the lymph nodes in Gina’s head and neck.

In the hope of stopping the cancer in its tracks, Gina underwent four surgeries, four weeks of radiotherapy and endured three difficult immunotherapy drugs.

Tragically, 12 months ago, a routine PET scan revealed the cancer had made its way to her lungs. The most effective treatment available for metastatic melanoma, was not working for Gina.

“I don’t know what the next few months will mean for me in terms of disease progression or further treatment, but what I do know is—I will do my best to play my part in preventing others having to endure what I have, by raising awareness for research dedicated to treating and preventing melanoma.”

Whilst researchers have made major breakthroughs for some advanced melanoma patients, many are not responding to new treatments.

Research is the most important tool we have in the fight against some of the major challenges facing healthcare today. Your support is helping to fund incredible advances that can change lives.

The Mater Cars for Cancer lottery helps fund vital cancer research that gives hope to people like Gina. Show your support today.

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